Wednesday, 30 December 2009

FT Bankers peom - a sea shanty in the making

This is a copy of the FT's excellent peom - I'd love it someone would put this to music - perhaps a piratey sea-shanty would be appropriate!

There was a time when naughty boys
Would have to forfeit all their toys,
And go to bed without their food
To force a new, repentant mood
Upon the wretched little toads,
Who flouted our great social codes.

Nor was blind arrogance a trait
That parents liked to inculcate.
They had regard for social graces:
Not for their offsprings’ haughty faces.
A beastly child engaged in folly
Would surely have to say: “I’m sorry!”

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Same old RBS crap! Extra-ordinary resolution at an AGM or EGM please!

Well it seems that the gun-to-the-head bully-boy tactics of the investment banking community have returned again.
Using the same old scare-mongering tactics - out best and brightest need to be paid this in order to stay.