Thursday, 29 April 2010

Standard and Poor vs Greece

Does anyone else think its a bit rich of Standard and Poor to be continuing to pass judgement on countries, given their pretty disasterous recent judgement.

I really wonder why anyone still values their judgement - they've been shown to be, putting it kindly, partisan. For all we know one of their clients (maybe even Goldman Sachs) has an interest in seeing Greece's credit rating fall.
The conflicts of interest issue has still not been addressed, meanwhile the fate of millions of Greek are affected

Goldman Sachs scandal causes revolt by customers

I am pleased to hear that clients have been flocking from Investment Bank Goldman Sachs following the scandal surrounding its alleged fraud.

Fabulous Fab's antics of passing off diguised dodgy investments as high quality and then getting his mates to bet on them crashing is once again another example of the disgraceful behaviour of the banks over the last few years.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Pensions reverse - as predicted

I'm pleased to see that my predictions about pension schemes has come true.
Back in December I commented on an EY report that claimed that companies should scrap their final salary pension schemes on the basis of short term deficits for some of them

I didn't expect it to be so quick, however asset values have stablised and increased in the 12 month period, and bond prices too