Thursday, 29 April 2010

Goldman Sachs scandal causes revolt by customers

I am pleased to hear that clients have been flocking from Investment Bank Goldman Sachs following the scandal surrounding its alleged fraud.

Fabulous Fab's antics of passing off diguised dodgy investments as high quality and then getting his mates to bet on them crashing is once again another example of the disgraceful behaviour of the banks over the last few years.

Whilst Goldman's clients have been flocking from them many will be thinking this is an example of the market working well - the market has discouvered the truth of the bank and is judging it accordingly.

I disagree - the market did not work - this is a market correction to be sure, but it happened after the event - ie we needed to go through all this pain in order to be in a possition to make a judgement. Goldman's now being punished.
Wouldn't it be a far better thing to avoi this happening in the future? We need better regulation to stop it in the first place - prevention rather than cure....

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